Lili eats. She of course began at birth nursing & still does. I was fortunate we both learned quickly.
@ 4 months we started rice cereal-she loved it. @ 6 months we began oatmeal & veggie & fruit purees. @ 7-8 months she's been enjoying more.
Liliana has strong feelings about food; loving or hating it. There doesn't seem to be much in between.
We know she loves cheerios on any given day. Recently she ate pancakes, our oatmeal w/blueberries was a hit & we shared our meatball & spaghetti dinner (think this has been her favorite so far), graham crackers are fun & tonight mozzarella cheese & some of mommy's pesto pizza was good too.
Thens theres nights like last night where we go back to her old standby of sweet potatoes & oatmeal & a newly tried plain yogurt with some fruit~ to my dismay she hated the yogurt. Now should I be surprised by this maybe not, during my pregnancy I couldn't bare to eat my most favorite morning delight of yogurt & fruit...its probably more a texture thing with her~ I don't know, but the look on her face was of pure disgust. Guess we'll try that again, another day.
So most days she enjoys eating but if you catch her when she's tired (parental default), don't even try to carry on, she will let you know she's NOT a happy camper.
But for now we will continue to try to delight her young palate.
Ok Breakfast, make it pancakes ~ is my favorite!!
She'll even eat a little bit of nature...
Oh my gosh she is getting so big! And that HAIR! GAH I love her hairrrrrr :-)
great pictures!
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