Sunday, March 7, 2010

Circling Thoughts

I'm not the friend I want to be right now, but I can be a really good friend. My life lately is this overwhelming, frustrating, tiresome, isolating & yet in the moments in between I feel loved, joy and happiness. I truly need to be better at making these moments more part of my day instead of worrying about the kind of wife, mom & worker bee I am. I tend to get wrapped up in what I feel I'm not doing right instead of appreciating what God has actually blessed me with.
I can so easily get frustrated that we only have one income, money is tight, prepping the house to sell is daunting, realizing we have to pack the entire house seems to be a much bigger task to accomplish, esp. with a crawling babe, my work keeps me away from my family for long stretches of time. When these thoughts go over & over in my head, the hole I feel I'm digging gets deeper & deeper.

But then I step away from it all & being at work actually grounds me. My family is healthy, we all get to be home together, we have food on our table, I can hold my baby, I can enjoy her in all her moods. I know I am blessed. I need to remind myself of this.


Truly said...

working and having a kid is hard. working, being a mom, getting a house ready to sell, dealing with money, finding ANY time just to breathe and being a great friend is IMPOSSIBLE... (alone). you know it's okay to need other people, right? even if you can't give anything back right now. if i can do anything, let me know. plus i come with a husband who can babysit/ husband sit if you need time for you.

Mama Goose said...

I love being friends with you, and I think it is an area that you excel. I'd love to spend more time with you of course, but you definitely maximize the time you do have!