Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some Where In Between

I am in between modes lately of being a wife, mommy, maid and worker bee. I returned to work this week & well....its work. I'm not sure what I make of it thus far. I was challenged while @ work & I know that will continue to be the case. I like the challenge at times & other times I just wish I knew more. It was different being there & thinking I have a child @ home. I felt blessed that I have a healthy child but also felt torn to see all those sick newborns on our unit.

All I could think of is what does God have in store for me, where does He see me in the next few years. How will mommy me & RN me mesh?

Cat Nap

Side note:
Liliana @ 11 weeks is

1. Intentionally grabbing items hanging from her play mat
2. Turning almost onto her side
3. Active, smiling & just a lot of fun to be around
4. Sleep- Still sleeping in a 5 hr burst when you 1st put her down at night, then feedings are usually every 2-3 hrs. Some naps during the day, but still quick at that.

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