Friday, November 19, 2010

We Couldn't Make This Up Even if We Tried

Ok, so you're pretty well versed in our lives right now...bills to pay, shoulder surgery, home for sale (well at least it was for 6 months), more surgery for Eli, job hunting for Eli....and well A LOT of love for each other.

Well today Friends & Family Eli had an interview. A real life, face-to-face interview. It happened quickly, well yes--he's been looking for a year, but between the time the recruiter called & set it up it was relatively quick. We probably wouldn't have preferred that it was the same week he had his appendix out but we're realizing God has a pretty good sense of humor.

So the interview went well, met with directors & VPs and even HR peeps. We've been talking about it for about the last hour or so. While we were discussing it all Eli got a phone call from a colleague in California, someone he worked w/at at his last job in telecommunications. His colleague called to see if Eli was still looking for work, did I say that Eli worked with him 3 yrs. ago. Pretty amazing...there's more. So the inside tip was for a big project that's happening in Raleigh, hiring about 20 PRMs. Then I could hear him say ya, its such & such company & Eli said ya I just came home from interviewing there. We originally thought we was calling to tell us that they already called for a reference...but it was completely coincidence. Or more so God driven.

I cried not for Eli having an interview or even the possibly of getting a job. I felt overwhelmed with emotion cause I've been in these season of questioning, asking why us, wondering why is He doing this to us. And now I'm beginning to step back & really bear witness in being faithful. He truly loves us that much. I'm not gonna say that it ALL makes sense but here I am 30 some odd years into my life & I'm just beginning to open my eyes & heart to His majesty.


Melinie said...

I definitely teared up for joy! Yay! God is sooo good. I love God moments like this, miss you all.

Mama Goose said...

So glad to hear about the interview. Hope that helps the surgery recovery!