9 Months, when you think of your pregnancy or at least when I did, it seemed sooo long, just too long to wait to meet your baby. I had to get through fall, winter, spring & summer had just began when I was soooo ready to meet her.
Now she's been with us for 9 months & it seems like she always has & yet somehow its gone by so fast.
@ 9 Months you are:
-19 lbs 2 oz
-29 1/2 inches long
-You've had about 5 colds already, including an earache & conjunctivitis & multiple temps.- so goes the life of a new immune system
-You are still cruising along the furniture
-Recently are standing freely once you let go of the furniture or us
-Trying more & more foods, but still loves to nurse
-Still not teeth, but is drooling like no one's business
-Has added 'm' to your vocabulary---& it sounds like m-amma instead of the ongoing babba & dadda. I love it.
-Beginning to know what 'No' means & doesn't quite like it
-Likes to explore just about anything
WE love you 9 months & 1 week Liliana. :)